Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hello again,
 So after the ICT showroom we were kind of busy with improvising the product. As we told earlier, we are trying to shift to STM  board instead of arduino now, as it was our original plan. All of the team members are busy to give their best for the product. As of now, the hardware board is almost ready and shifting to STM board might take a little time than we expected.

As our course is going to end this April, we have our last milestone to achieve i.e to present a fully fledged product in Capstone Showroom which is going to be held in 18th of April. So all of our team members are working hard to reach to this target. This is our progress by far, So, we will post as soon as we have some interesting to share with you guys.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Showroom photo



Last week we completed our one of the main events for capstone, the ICT-Showroom. It was intense time preparing for it, as we still had to do some changes for our designed board till the last nights before the show. After all we managed to prepare for it properly, and we were able to represent our results in the showroom. We had the following photos to present the measurement with the ultrasonic device.
Measurement in action

I think we succeeded to go through the event pretty well. We had 7 members at the showroom, so we were able to take shifts for presenting the project, because the stand we had was quite small, so 2 persons behind the desk was enough. Some questions about the technological side were quite exact and we were able to answer them pretty well. I think our overall performance there was good and we should be satisfied with the outcome.

Congratulations "Kill the DJ" for winning the ICT-Showroom! They sure did great job with their project. So thats it for now, until next time!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Project Update (week 6)

After coming back from the christmas holidays, our motivation was renewed and we have been working hard ever since. Project has progressed greatly on both software and hardware sides. We have been able to finish two of the three sprints, which included subjects such as testing and building the PCB boards. Boards were built for using two transducers for both sending and receiving although the end product is supposed to use one sensor that acts as both  a sender and a receiver.

We have also been using Arduino UNO boards to simulate the end product since it's the one we are more familiar with. Coding has been done on Arduino IDE and C++ using Atmel studio, and at the same time studying coding in C using the stm32L476RG board Enevo guys sent us. The latter has proven quite a beast to tame.

After this, we are very excited about presenting our working prototype in the ICT showroom on the 9th of March, where most of the other Capstone project and other project groups are presenting their work for mostly the school student audience.

After the showroom, the work will be mostly polishing and optimizing the product and perhaps moving from arduino to stm board. Also, if time, we will be adding additional features.

Project pitch

 This is the pitch detailing our product.